Capital Growth VS Rental Yield: Which is Better for Property Investing?

11 April 2023

I get it, the income feels safe, like it’s coming into your bank account, and debt feels dangerous or risky, I TOTALLY get it. But this thinking is a problem because generally, high rents come at the expense of capital growth. And I know you’ve said you’re not interested in capital growth. But hear me out, because you MIGHT by the end of this video.

3 Reasons Why Real Estate Agents Won’t Recommend Using Buyer’s Agents

4 April 2023

Whilst some sales agents MIGHT recommend that you don’t need a buyer’s agent, others will recommend that you do use a buyer’s agent, because they’ve got a comfy little deal with one. And even though I’m an advocate for using an experienced local specialist buyer’s agent, I know that it’s quite DIFFICULT to work out who the good ones are and who the bad ones are.

This is Why You Can’t be Your own Buyer’s Agent

16 March 2023

Australians seem to have a SLIGHTLY misplaced sense of confidence in their ability to buy a property. And it goes for individuals trying to buy a property for themselves, and it also goes to people trying to BECOME buyer’s agents. Here’s something I’ve heard quite often over the years from people who are RESISTING the idea of ENGAGING a professional to help them.

Why Buyer’s Agents MUST Set Expectations For Their Clients

28 February 2023

What do buyer’s agents and obstetricians have in common? Well often they BOTH have to deal with quite UNREALISTIC expectations.

Why Having a Granny Flat is a BAD Idea.

14 February 2023

I don’t really like granny flats. Not for investors, anyway. Capital growth is what builds wealth. And the secret to capital growth? Buying an asset that many people will want when you go to sell. Market forces, inflation and competition drive your property’s future value.

Why we need to STOP Glamorising Buyers Agents?

31 January 2023

There’s a problem with TV Glamorising Buyers Agents. I suspect a new crop of property shows may be partially responsible for the influx of new buyers agents we’re seeing in the market. The shows gloss over what it really takes. Take it from me – I know this from experience!

Does Your Buyer’s Agent Have Enough Experience?

17 January 2023

Did you know a buyer’s agent can set up business without any experience? Oh sure, they need a real estate licence, but in some states, once you have this, you can start working as a buyers agent without any oversight from an experienced licensee and, I’ll say it again, with ZERO experience.

This is Why “Clever Property Apps” Are a RED Herring

3 January 2023

The proptech space as a whole is really INTERESTING. There are some really elegant solutions being developed for some long-standing industry problems and some really GREAT innovation. And I get so excited when I see a good one. But to be honest, I think a lot are trying to solve the wrong problems.

Who Actually is the #1 Buyer’s Agent in Your City?

20 December 2022

Don’t you love REALLY positive claims on websites? ‘Melbourne’s leading buyers advocate’, ‘Sydney’s number 1 buyer’s agent’. According to who? A quick Google search, and I’ve seen a page full of links, at least 4 of which are claiming to be ‘the leading buyer’s agent’ in their city. So who is actually the leader?